Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What is Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0?
To be honest even after some research and reading I was still completely lost about it. There were two reasons for this; firstly there is no single definite, definition to define the term Web 2.0. Even now the idea of an ideal answer for the question "What is Web 2.0?" is still a blurred one. Secondly the idea Web 2.0 itself is so overwhelmingly large and yet branches off expanding to even further regions of the cyberspace was simply too much for me to get my head around. For now this is how I would describe Web 2.0.

Web 2.0 changed two things about the internet (World Wide Web):
(1) It allowed interaction between users via cyberspace
(2) It maximized its’ ability to gather data and dramatically increased its library of information.

Before Web 2.0 there was Web 1.0, Web 1.0 didn’t create much interaction between the users and also limited the information output. The reason being, for something like 1 sender there were 1000 receivers (1:1000). This meant information available came from only one person. With Web 2.0 the ratio is now more like 999:1000. It allowed every and any user to input their own thoughts and knowledge into the World Wide Web database allowing information/view exchange and ultimately creating interaction between users. The increase in data flow means that the information available now is almost 1000 times more than before.
Summarized the internet of now IS Web 2.0.

Web 2.0 Examples

Examples of Web 2.0?

Off the top of my head I can think of:

Wikipedia - The ultimate information website, host to some million articles on topics ranging from politics to kids television show.

Photobucket - A place where users can either personalise or share their uploaded images.

YouTube - A world wide site for users to upload different types of videos to share. Allows other users to rate and comment on the uploaded vidoes.

What is Interactive Design

What is Interactive Design also known as User Interface Design?

At the beginning I myself thought this basically meant anything which requires interaction between the user and the design. Whether the design was a product, service or system. However after some research I realized it was more than just the interaction between the two.

The Interactive Design generally refers to the interaction of a complex technological system and the response to its users, however it can also extend to the interaction between user and design in both products and services.

Now my understanding of INTERACTIVE DESIGN is, how it concentrates on the aspects of the interface that define and present its behavior over time, with a focus on developing the system to respond to the user's experience.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Interactive Design Examples

Some examples of Interactive Designs include:

(eg1) Automobile websites always have interactive links, where the user can see their chosen vechile with its differnt options (paint, rims, body kit, etc) before actually seeing the vechile in real-life

(eg2) Web street directory services often provide map pages where the user can scroll, resize, zoom in/out to locate the desired location.

(eg3) Facebook applications, most facebook applications have interactive designs. One example is the Battle Station applciation.

If the link does not work than heres a screenshot:

What is Information/Instructional Design

What is Information/Industrial Design?

My interpretation of Information design is that through the use of organized graphics (these include: images, graphs, diagrams, etc) and limited type, it is to convey a story/information in a way clearer and generally easier to understand by the audience compared with the same information being composed of nothing but text.

As for Instructional Design, my thoughts on it is, it is teaching. The reason for Instructional Design is to create an effective mean of improving understanding, resulting in a learner whom before could not understand or complete a task by the end of the “Instructional Design” is able to do so. To me that is what teaching is. Also like teaching Instructional Design is to create an instructional method which is effective as well as appealing for the learners.

Information Design equals delivering information to the audience efficiently and effectively!

Instructional Design is teaching!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Information/Instructional Design Examples

Here are some fine example of Information/Instructional Design.

Information Design Eg

Instructional Design Eg